
Market Insights ON: what will happen in supply chains?

Author: Marek Szymański

What can we expect in the economy and supply chains in 2023? What trends will prevail? What challenges do distribution channel managers face? The next issue of the Market Insights ON report (3) with expert data from the world of transport and logistics in the European Union has been released.

What prevails in the statements of logistics market experts is, of course, the anxiety of chaos in supply chains, which means for managers another year without planning, but acting only in the here and now. And probably until the war in Ukraine is over and oil prices reach a predictable ceiling – it will continue to be ,’management madness’. Although Xavier Villetard, partner at supply chain consultancy bp2r, takes a calm approach to the current situation. – The road haulage market is in a period of transition, with an uncertain outlook for the current year. Haulage companies started last year with good results, but demand has gradually weakened, he comments.

Experts all agree that many trends will overlap in 2023, but the most important one seems to be digitalisation. This is the only way to reduce uncertainty in the transport and logistics market. But how can it take place concretely? – The logistics market is slowly starting to adapt to fluctuations in transport rates and vehicle availability. Both freight forwarders and shippers are reaching for new tools that enable a seamless transition between contract and spot freight orders, explains Tomasz Łyszega, Global Account Manager for the shipper market at

In the latest Market Insights ON (3) also on upcoming challenges in the supply networks, transport rate forecasts and the most important economic data for the TSL sector.

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