
Companies are not taking advantage of Visibility

Author: Monika Kulej

Although managers of production and distribution companies all over Europe declare that they are automating their transport processes, in practice things are not always the same. Even such basic tools as Tracking and Visibility are not at all standard in every company. 

As a result, entrepreneurs most often do not know where the ordered goods are or wait for hours at the ramp to pick them up. Although the European Road Transportation Survey report shows that nearly 60% of carriers already provide a truck’s GPS position at the customer’s request, in practice the use of the Visibility service is low. It is difficult to understand why this is the case. 

Asked by the pollsters of the portal, representatives of Polish haulage companies mentioned the benefits of using Visibility tools. They pointed to the reduction of unnecessary mileage and route control, better management of resources, savings in fuel consumption, the possibility to calculate ETA, i.e. the estimated time of the journey. Tracking the route of goods saves time for both the haulier and his customer. Knowing about delays, the shipper can, for example, plan the work of the warehouse in a different way, avoid blocking the loading ramp unnecessarily, etc.  

Even simple tools that track the vehicle and shipment in real time mean savings and less stress for everyone in the supply chain. Although managers in many industries and owners of transport companies seem to know about these benefits, the use of Tracking and Visibility tools in the EU still leaves much to be desired. However, it is optimistic that, according to experts, the global market for tracking systems is currently growing by more than 13% per year. In practice, however, it is only used 15-25% in European supply chains.This is still not much. 

See a simple tool for Visibility (link)

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